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About Us


Using only the finest organic ingredients, FS Apothecary creates authentic, healthy alternatives for our customers. 

My story is a personal one. FS Apothecary was born from products that I made for my daughters.

Started in 2014, I was looking into natural concoctions for my children – specifically for my youngest who would always put up a challenge during bed time. With a lot of reading and research,  Alhamdulillah, I finally whipped up a perfect bedtime rub formulation that not only helped my youngest soothe into sleep but also helped her with undisturbed sleep.

After sharing this with family and friends and receiving positive heart warming feedbacks, it led me to the desire to help others by promoting healthier natural choices through my homemade products.

And it wasnt long before we had people requesting we make certain products. We loved making each small batch and soon found ourselves in a local store.

Being a full time working mother, I understood how hectic it can be juggling work, yet wanting to provide the best choices for my family, and that was where my inspiration and drive came from.
In May 2018, we have expanded to our own line of essential oils under our own brand (FS Apothecary). 

Alhamdulillah. Everyday is a new adventure as we learn more about healing herbs, oils and sustainable practices., and we could not acomplish any of this without the love and support of our customers; thank you. 
Our collections are for everyone to enjoy. Have fun!
Watch this space and grow with us on this epic journey!