  • 15ml Lemongrass

    15ml Lemongrass

    Originating in Southeast Asia, Lemongrass essential oil is distilled from the leaves and woody stalks of the lemongrass plant. With a subtle citrus-herb scent, Lemongrass oil offers a sophisticated and relaxing aroma that transforms your home’s environment.

    Try diffusing Lemongrass for an aroma that can inspire a sense of clarity and relaxation for you and your whole family.

    Enhance that relaxing aroma by adding Lemongrass oil to your cleaning products, dishes, and laundry. Add 3–4 drops in a sink full of dishes, a load of laundry, or your all-purpose cleaner formula for an exotic, clean-smelling boost.

    Its relaxing aroma also makes it a great complement to post-workout massage.

    • $26.00 BND